Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (1869)

  Krupskaya was a Russian revolutionary and educator who was a Marxist agitator in the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. She married Bolshevik founder Vladimir Lenin in 1898, while both were serving terms in exile. After the Revolution, she joined the People's Commissariat of Education and helped develop educational systems that offered both academic and professional training to women and workers. Her biography is known as the most detailed account of Lenin's life but omits what events? 


  很久没有关注“Today's Birthday”了,今天偶尔打开。照例是文字先图片后。看见文字那么难拼,以为是什么保加利亚匈牙利之类的,后来图片出来,发现是个女的。一个激灵,再看名字,嘿嘿~~好像是克鲁普斯卡娅~~~,再往下念,果然,跟Lenin结婚……Hoho,重大发现,今天是列宁夫人生日。纪念一下!