



Top 5 Ranking Factors——

73%:Keyword Focused Anchor Text from External Links

71%:External Link Popularity (quantity/quality of external links)

67%:Diversity of Link Sources (links from many unique root domains)

66%:Keyword Use Anywhere in the Title Tag

66%:Trustworthiness of the Domain Based on Link Distance from Trusted Domains (e.g. TrustRank, Domain mozTrust, etc.)

Top 5 Negative Ranking Factors——

68%:Cloaking with Malicious/Manipulative Intent

56%:Link Acquisition from Known Link Brokers/Sellers

51%:Links from the Page to Web Spam Sites/Pages

51%:Cloaking by User Agent

51%:Frequent Server Downtime & Site Inaccessibility

Top 5 Most Contentious Factors——

16.3% strong contention:Cloaking by Cookie Detection

15.4% moderate contention:Cloaking by JavaScript/Rich Media Support Detection

15.3% moderate contention:Hiding Text with same/similar colored text/background

15.3% moderate contention:Cloaking by IP Address

15.2% moderate contention:Cloaking by User Agent

Overall Ranking Algorithm——

24%: Trust/Authority of the Host Domain

22%: Link Popularity of the Specific Page

20%: Anchor Text of External Links

15%: On-Page Keyword Usage

7%: Traffic and Click-Through Data

6%: Social Graph Metrics

5%: Registration and Hosting Data
